About us
万博はあらゆる専門分野において研究対象になりうる素材であり、世界各国で研究されています。とりわけ日本には、1970年大阪万博を背景に京都大学人文科学研究所 吉田光邦研究班が手掛けた総合的万博研究に始まる、厚い蓄積があります。
- 国単位の議論に尽きることが多かった万博を、かかわったすべての「人間」に着目して研究すること。
- 万博を開催し、またはそれに参加した、一国ごとの視野に限定されがちであった万博研究に、諸国間の比較や連動を重視する観点を持ち込むこと。また、万博それ自体を支える国際制度の側から万博史を見直すこと。
- 1945年を境に分断されることが多かった万博の歩みを、19世紀から現代に至る通史的な観点から見直すこと。
- 狭義の研究者だけでなく、博覧会の現場にかかわる官民の実務家と研究者が、共同研究の構成員としてともに議論し、いかなる立場からも意義のある研究成果をめざすこと。
代表 佐野真由子
- 有賀暢迪
- (一橋大学言語社会研究科准教授)
- 飯田豊
- (立命館大学産業社会学部教授)
- 石川敦子
- (元株式会社乃村工藝社大阪管理部チーフ)
- 市川文彦
- (フランス国立社会科学高等研究院Senior Fellow)
- 井上さつき
- (愛知県立芸術大学名誉教授)
- 井上章一
- (国際日本文化研究センター所長)
- 岩田泰
- (公益社団法人2025年日本国際博覧会協会経営企画室長)
- 鵜飼敦子
- (帝京大学外国語学部准教授)
- 神田孝治
- (立命館大学文学部教授)
- 岸田匡平
- (株式会社乃村工藝社展示プランナー)
- 君島彩子
- (和光大学表現学部芸術学科講師)
- 沓名貴彦
- (国立科学博物館理工学研究部科学技術史グループ長)
- 五月女賢司
- (大阪国際大学国際教養学部准教授)
- 佐野真由子
- (京都大学大学院教育学研究科教授)
- 澤田裕二
- (UG WORK合同会社代表)
- 執行昭彦
- (合同会社方円舎代表)
- 清水章
- (元株式会社乃村工藝社開発本部情報センター担当部長)
- 清水寛之
- (神戸学院大学心理学部教授)
- 白山眞理
- (写真史研究者、元一般財団法人日本カメラ財団調査研究部長)
- ジラルデッリ青木美由紀
- (イスタンブル工科大学建築学部講師)
- 鈴木健司
- (同志社女子大学表象文化学部教授)
- 関根仁
- (渋沢史料館学芸員)
- 辻泰岳
- (筑波大学芸術系助教)
- 寺本敬子
- (成蹊大学文学部准教授)
- 中牧弘允
- (国立民族学博物館名誉教授)
- 能勢和宏
- (立命館大学文学部准教授)
- 橋爪紳也
- (大阪公立大学研究推進機構特別教授)
- 長谷川香
- (東京藝術大学美術学部建築科准教授)
- 牧原出
- (東京大学先端科学技術研究センター教授)
- 増山一成
- (中央区教育委員会事務局副参事)
- 増田斎
- (明治学院大学キリスト教研究所協力研究員)
- 武藤夕佳里
- (並河靖之七宝記念館主任学芸員)
- 森誠一朗
- (株式会社乃村工藝社展示プランナー)
About us
“Expo-logy” is a broad, interdisciplinary, and humanistic endeavour that is made possible by taking up expos as a research subject. Expos began in the mid-nineteentd colspan="2"century and continue today. They are the world’s largest official events. By researching in detail their various aspects—including the long, complicated processes that straddle them—the paths taken by humans in this world come into stark relief. Realizing just how important and fascinating this perspective can be, members of our research society have adopted it in their on-going joint research projects.
Our research group began in the fall of 2010 when six scholars—from Japan, China, South Korea, and Australia—went to Shanghai, where an expo was being held. They carried out interview research and got together to study and discuss their findings. Subsequently, the group continued its work while welcoming new members, and in 2020—ten years after its founding—we published an edited volume consisting of thirty-two articles and columns. Its English title is Expo-logy: Expos as a Method of Grasping the World (Banpakugaku: Bankoku hakurankai to iu, sekai o hāku suru hōhō; pub. Shibunkaku Shuppan). In this way, we’ve come to express and develop our shared angle of research using the term “expo-logy.”
With the publication of this volume, we have also revised the long-standing name of our group, the “'Expos and Human History' Research Team,” to the “Society for Expo-logy.”
Expos can serve as material for research in all kinds of fields, and scholars are engaged in research on them in countries around the world. Particularly in Japan, there is a large body of research on the subject, which had its beginnings in the comprehensive expo research launched by Yoshida Mitsukuni’s team at Kyoto University’s Institute for Research in Humanities. This happened against the backdrop of Expo 1970 Osaka.
While learning and drawing from such existing research, we have emphasized the following four points as we strive to make our new expo research meaningful in the twenty-first century.
- Researching expos by focusing on all humans involved. Expo-related discussions have often been limited to a country-based framework.
- Bringing fields of vision into expo research that emphasize comparisons of, as well as the connections between, countries. Research on expos has often been carried out by focusing on an individual country, such as the hosting or participating one. Also, reconsidering the history of expos in terms of the international institutions that support expos themselves.
- Reconsidering the path of expos as part of a connected history spanning from the nineteenth century to the present. Expo history has often been divided into “pre-1945” and “post-1945” periods.
- While bringing in as members not only “researchers” in a narrow sense but also professionals and researchers from government and the private sector involved with expos on the ground, aiming for research outcomes that are meaningful for people in all of these positions.
We invite a number of observers to participate with members in study meetings that are normally held once every 2–3 months so that they can all take part in a friendly, active, and stimulating mutual exchange of ideas.
As we continued these activities, in the autumn of 2018, it was decided that Japan would host Expo 2025 Osaka Kansai. This is creating a rare historical opportunity for those engaging in expo research in the country—now an expo hotspot, so to speak. We hope that this momentum will elicit even wider interest in expos and our “expo-logy.” At the same time, even in the midst of the excitement in this upcoming period, we will continue to be a source of in-depth, meaningful discussions on the topic.
December 2020
Sano Mayuko
Representative, Society for Expo-logy
Members(in alphabetical order)
as of October 2024- Miyuki Aoki-Girardelli
- (Lecturer, Faculty of Architecture, Istanbul Technical University)
- Ariga Nobumichi
- (Associate Professor, Graduate School of Language and Society, Hitotsubashi University)
- Hasegawa Kaori
- (Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts)
- Hashizume Shinya
- (Distinguished Professor, Organization for Research Promotion, Osaka Metropolitan University)
- Ichikawa Fumihiko
- (Senior Fellow, School of Advanced Studies in Social Sciences, France)
- Iida Yutaka
- (Professor, College of Social Sciences, Ritsumeikan University)
- Inoue Satsuki
- (Professor Emeritus, Aichi University of the Arts)
- Inoue Shoichi
- (Director-General, International Research Center for Japanese Studies)
- Ishikawa Atsuko
- (Former Chief, Osaka Administrative Section, Nomura Co., Ltd.)
- Iwata Yasushi
- (Director-General, Management Strategy Office, Japan Association for the 2025 World Exposition)
- Kanda Koji
- (Professor, College of Letters, Ritsumeikan University)
- Kimishima Ayako
- (Lecturer, Faculty of Representational Studies Department of Arts, Wako University)
- Kishida Kyohei
- (Exhibition Designer, Nomura Co., Ltd.)
- Kutsuna Takahiko
- (Curator and Head of the Division of History of Science and Technology, National Museum of Nature and Science, Japan)
- Makihara Izuru
- (Professor, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo)
- Mashiyama Kazushige
- (Curator and Director of Cultural Properties Protection, Board of Education of Chuo City, Tokyo)
- Masuda Itsuki
- (Visiting Researcher, Institute for Christian Studies, Meijigakuin University)
- Mori Seiichiro
- (Exhibition Designer, Nomura Co., Ltd.)
- Muto Yukari
- (Senior Curator, Namikawa Cloisonné Museum of Kyoto)
- Nakamaki Hirochika
- (Professor Emeritus, National Museum of Ethnology, Japan)
- Nose Kazuhiro
- (Associate Professor, College of Letters, Ritsumeikan University)
- Sano Mayuko
- (Professor, Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University)
- Saotome Kenji
- (Associate Professor, Faculty of International Liberal Arts, Osaka International University)
- Sawada Yuji
- (Representative, UG Work LLC.)
- Sekine Hitoshi
- (Curator, Shibusawa Memorial Museum)
- Shigyo Akihiko
- (President, LLC Houensha)
- Shimizu Akira
- (Former Director, Information Center, Development Headquarters, Nomura Co., Ltd.)
- Shimizu Hiroyuki
- (Professor, Department of Psychology, Kobe Gakuin University)
- Shirayama Mari
- (Historian of Photography/ Former Manager, Research Department, Japan Camera Industry Institute)
- Suzuki Kenji
- (Professor, Faculty of Culture and Representation, Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts)
- Teramoto Noriko
- (Associate Professor, Faculty of Humanities, Seikei University)
- Tsuji Yasutaka
- (Assistant Professor, Faculty of Art and Design, The University of Tsukuba)
- Ukai Atsuko
- (Associate Professor, Faculty of Language Studies, Teikyo University)
2010.10.8 ~ 11 | 日・中・韓・豪から6人が上海万国博覧会場に集い、研究会「万国博覧会と東アジア―共同研究の可能性を探る」として発足。 |
2011.2.25 ~ 26 | 当時佐野が勤務していた京都・国際日本文化研究センター(日文研)に6人が再集合し、研究会を実施。 (翌年度のシンポジウム企画が生まれました。) |
2011.9.30 ~ 10.1 | シンポジウム「万国博覧会とアジア―上海から上海へ、そしてその先へ 」を実施(於/日文研)。 (その後の活動を支える多くのメンバーがこのときに集い、協力して研究を続けていくことが話し合われました。) |
2012.4 ~ 2013.3 | 日文研共同研究会「万国博覧会とアジア 」として活動。 |
2013.4 ~ 2016.3 | 日文研共同研究会「万国博覧会と人間の歴史―アジアを中心に 」として活動。 |
2015.10 | 初の成果論集『万国博覧会と人間の歴史 』(佐野真由子編、思文閣出版)を刊行。 (研究会の発端からここまでの歩みを記した、編者による「はじめに―本書について 」を公開しています。) |
2015.12.17 ~ 20 | 国際研究集会「万国博覧会と人間の歴史 」を開催(於/日文研他) (国際研究集会報告書はこちらのページ からアクセスできます。) |
2016.4 ~ 2019.3 | 日文研共同研究会「万国博覧会と人間の歴史 」として活動。 |
2019.4 ~ | 京都大学に拠点を移し、新バージョン「万国博覧会と人間の歴史」研究会として活動。 |
2020.8 | 第2論集『万博学―万国博覧会という、世界を把握する方法 』(佐野真由子編、思文閣出版)を刊行。 |
2020.12.12 ~ 13 | 論集刊行記念シンポジウム「万博学」を開催 (於/京都大学ならびにZoom) |
2020.12 ~ | 「万博学研究会」に改称。 |
Brief history
8–11 October 2010 | Study meeting “International Exhibitions and East Asia: Exploring Possibilities for Joint Research” ―Six scholars from Japan, China, South Korea, and Australia gathered in Shanghai during Expo 2010. |
25–26 February 2011 | The above six scholars reunited at the International Research Center for Japanese Studies (Nichibunken) in Kyoto, Japan, where Sano was a faculty member. Ideas for a larger symposium were conceived. |
30 September–1 October 2011 | Symposium “International Exhibitions and Asia: From Shanghai to Shanghai, and Beyond ” (Nichibunken) ―Many of today’s members assembled on this occasion and agreed to continue collaborating. |
April 2012–March 2013 | Active as Nichibunken’s Team Research Project “International Exhibitions and Asia ” |
April 2013–March 2016 | Active as Nichibunken’s Team Research Project “Expos and Human History, with a Focus on Asian Dynamics ” |
October 2015 | Published the research team’s first multi-authored volume,Expos and Human History (Sano, Mayuko, ed., pub. Kyoto: Shibunkaku). (The editor’s “Introduction: About This Book”, useful to know the project’s original concept, is available in English and can be accessed from here.) |
17–20 December 2015 | International Symposium “Expos and Human History ” (Nichibunken and elsewhere) (Symposium proceedings can be accessed from here.) |
April 2016–March 2019 | Active as Nichibunken’s Team Research Project “Expos and Human history ” |
April 2019– | Active as the “Expos and Human History” Research Team. Now based out of Kyoto University, Sano’s new place of employment. |
August 2020 | Published the research team’s second volume, Expo-logy: Expos as a Method of Grasping the World (Sano, Mayuko, ed., pub. Kyoto: Shibunkaku). |
12–13 December 2020 | Symposium “Expo-logy ” (Kyoto University and Zoom) |
December 2020– | The research team is renamed “Society for Expo-logy”. |
(思文閣出版刊『万博学―万国博覧会という、世界を把握する方法』 巻末掲載資料)
2020.6 | 研究会(京都大学) プログラム |
2020.8 | 第2論集『万博学―万国博覧会という、世界を把握する方法』(佐野真由子編、思文閣出版)を刊行。 |
2020.8 | 研究会(京都大学) プログラム |
2020.10 | 華中師範大学 中国近代史研究所(中国 武漢)との合同研究会 (“比较视野下的博览会史:物质、制度及其文化变迁” 国际学术研讨会)(Zoom) プログラム |
2020.12 |
論集刊行記念シンポジウム「万博学」(Symposium “Expo-logy”)(京都大学/Zoom) |
2021.2 | 研究会(京都大学/Zoom) プログラム |
2021.5 | 研究会(Zoom) プログラム |
2021.9 | 研究会(京都大学/Zoom) プログラム |
2021.12 | 研究会(愛知県立芸術大学/Zoom) プログラム |
2022.3 | 研究会(京都大学/Zoom) プログラム |
2022.5 | 研究会(大阪日本民芸館、国立民族学博物館/Zoom) プログラム |
2022.8 | 研究会(東京 JCIIビル) プログラム |
2022.12 | ジャーナル『万博学/Expo-logy』(万博学研究会編、年1回刊行、思文閣出版)を創刊。 研究会(Research meeting)(京都大学/Zoom) プログラム/Programme |
2023.3 | 研究会(京都大学/Zoom) プログラム |
2023.6 | 研究会(株式会社乃村工藝社大阪事業所/Zoom) プログラム |
2023.9-10 | 研究会(まちなかキャンパスうえだ) プログラム |
2023.12 | 研究会(立命館大学衣笠キャンパス/Zoom) プログラム |
2024.3 | 研究会(京都大学/Zoom) プログラム |
2024.6 | 研究会(一橋大学/Zoom) プログラム |
2024.9 | 研究会(つくばエキスポセンター、国立科学博物館筑波研究施設/Zoom) プログラム |
2024.12 |
ジャーナル第3号刊行記念! |
特集 大阪万博前後の世界
Banpakugaku: Expo-logy, Issue No. 3Special feature: The World Before and After Expo 1970 Osaka(Society for Expo-logy, ed., Kyoto: Shibunkaku)
- 目次はこちら Contents and Abstracts
- 刊行日 : 2024/12/07
- 体 裁 : A5判並製・236ページ
- ISBN-10 : 4784221042
- ISBN-13 : 978-4-7842-2104-2
- 電子版発売日 : 2025/04(予定)
特集 万博と冷戦
Banpakugaku: Expo-logy, Issue No. 2Special feature: Expos and the Cold War(Society for Expo-logy, ed., Kyoto: Shibunkaku)
- 目次はこちら Contents and Abstracts
- 刊行日 : 2023/12/09
- 体 裁 : A5判並製・218ページ
- ISBN-10 : 4784220607
- ISBN-13 : 978-4-7842-2060-1
- 電子版発売日 : 2024/04/25
特集 植民地なき世界の万博
Banpakugaku: Expo-logy, Issue No. 1Special feature: Expos in a World without Colonies(Society for Expo-logy, ed., Kyoto: Shibunkaku)
ついに創刊! 本研究会の最新の研究成果を毎年発信します。
- 目次はこちら Contents and Abstracts
- 刊行日 : 2022/12/10
- 体 裁 : A5判並製・200ページ
- ISBN-10 : 4784220488
- ISBN-13 : 978-4-7842-2048-9
- 電子版発売日 : 2023/06/25
Expo-logy: Expos as a method for Grasping the World(Sano, Mayuko, ed., Kyoto: Shibunkaku)
19世紀半ばに始まり、今日につづく世界最大の公式催事―、 本書は32本の論考で、万国博覧会のさまざまな側面に着眼し、掘り下げたその先に、人類世界の歩みを浮き彫りにする。
- 目次はこちら
- 刊行日 : 2020/8/1
- 体 裁 : B5判上製・556ページ
- ISBN-10 : 4784219927
- ISBN-13 : 978-4784219926
Expos and Human History(Sano, Mayuko, ed., Kyoto: Shibunkaku)
- 目次はこちら
- 刊行日 : 2015/10/17
- 体 裁 : A5判上製・758ページ
- ISBN-10 : 478421819X
- ISBN-13 : 978-4-7842-1819-6
Join us
ご連絡先(万博学研究会): soc.expo.logy@gmail.com
- 本研究会が、つねに誰もが安心して最新の知見を披露し、忌憚のない議論を行う場であり続けることができるよう、参加されるすべての方のご協力をお願いいたします。研究会における発言の無断引用等は厳にお控えください。
- 本研究会に対する、また研究会合の場を活用した営業活動は、固くお断りいたします。
Join us
1. Call for Research Presentations
We want to share the possibilities and pleasures of expo-logy with as many people as possible, and, most importantly, help foster a new generation of researchers that will carry the field forward.
We welcome presentations from individuals who appreciate the Society for Expo-logy’s approach and can help further develop this effort.
Instead of providing application guidelines, we invite interested individuals to read our edited volume, Banpakugaku: Bankoku hakurankai to iu, sekai o hāku suru hōhō (Expo-logy: Expos as a method of grasping the world). It describes “expo-logy” as follows:
[W]e aim to focus on and delve into the various aspects of expos, thereby grasping the path of the human world from the nineteenth century to the present. In our research group, people have come together who, having encountered expos through research in their respective fields, realized that expos are important portals into this wider world. Motivated by this shared understanding, they have engaged in discussion, dialogue, and debate, influencing each other while deepening their own ideas and analyses. In this sense, “expo-logy” does not refer to a specific academic method but, rather, a large and interdisciplinary human-studies endeavor that is made possible by taking up expos as a research subject. (From Sano Mayuko, “Josetsu: Bankoku hakurankai to iu, sekai o hāku suru hōhō” [Expos as a method of grasping the world: An introduction to expo-logy])
We normally meet approximately four times a year (generally in Japanese). We are accepting proposals for presentations. If you are interested, please send an overview of the research you would like to present (up to approximately two A4 pages; any formatting) to the below e-mail address. Please include your name, affiliation, position, and contact information.
We will contact you to discuss scheduling and other details if you are selected to present.
Contact (Society for Expo-logy): soc.expo.logy@gmail.com
(Members cover all research society expenses and we therefore ask that presenters bear their own travel expenses. Also, we are unable to offer honorariums for presentations.)
2. Observer Participation
While the Society for Expo-logy is not currently seeking membership applications, we hope to become a hub out of which a wide range of researchers with diverse interests in expos, as well as professionals involved in expos, can interact with each other and engage in fruitful discussions.
We will continue to strive to provide an open space in which everyone who supports the society's aims can participate regardless of their research field or profession. In our meetings, everyone is invited to take a seat at the table with members and participate in discussions.
Information on the meetings is primarily provided to people who have previously participated in our activities. If you wish to participate as an observer, please contact us at the below email address. Include your name, affiliation, position, contact information, and the reason that you would like to participate.
(Please note that the Society for Expo-logy usually operates in Japanese. For those who do not speak Japanese, we will provide information on events in English or with accommodations for English speakers. However, such opportunities are limited.)
The Society for Expo-logy serves as a place where people who genuinely share an interest in expos and expo-logy can engage, based on mutual trust, in discussions and debate.
- We ask for the cooperation of all participants to ensure that the society can continue to be a place where everyone can comfortably share new findings and engage in candid discussions. Please strictly refrain from quoting without permission statements made at events of this research society.
- The commercial solicitation of the Society for Expo-logy and the use of its events for commercial purposes is prohibited.
- 2022年12月創刊、万博学研究会編『万博学/Expo-logy』(年1回刊行、思文閣出版)の第3号を刊行しました。詳しくは「書籍紹介」ページをご覧ください。
第4号(2025年12月刊行)の特集は「万博学で考える2025年万博」を予定しております。どうぞご期待ください。 - The third issue of the Society for Expo-logy’s Banpakugaku: Expo-logy (pub. Shibunkaku Shuppan, inaugurated December 2022) has been published. Please see the “Books” page for more details.
The fourth issue’s special feature will be "Expo 2025: Perspectives from Expo-logy". Coming in December 2025!